Author: Thomas Gunther

  • Finale’s Hyperscribe Tool for Real-Time Recording

    This post includes a free video tutorial About Finale’s Hyperscribe Tool for Real-Time Recording General Considerations When you want to play music into Finale in real-time, thus using it like a sequencer, you must use the so called Hyperscribe tool for that.  The Hyperscribe tool works fine for relatively simple rhythmic figures, but when you…

  • Speedy Entry Tool – Article and Video

    Finale’s Speedy Entry Tool Why I Prefer The Speedy Entry Tool (Scroll down to find the video) The Speedy Entry tool is still my favorite tool when it comes to writing music in Finale. Yes, you can play music into Finale in real time with the , or you could use the Simple Entry tool. To me, the Speedy Entry…

  • Exporting Parts as Audio files in Finale

    This video tutorial on exporting parts I speciffically created for my Fundamentals of Arranging class at Columbia College Chicago. At the time, some of my students had problems when they transferred their Finale file from the lab computer to their own computer. What happened was that they couldn’t hear the tracks play anymore. Possibly because their…

  • Selecting Tools in Finale

    Selecting tools in Finale and switching quickly back and forth between them is one of the most important tasks when working in Finale. There are many ways of doing that, some faster then others. This article and the included video tutorial is all about that. The Finale enginiers offer many ways of selecting tools, but…

  • Screensets In Logic Pro X

    Note: This aricle is designed to complement my video tutorial <Screensets in Logic Pro X> that you can find below. Be sure you read the article at least up to the video before watching it, because it includes information not included in the video. INTRODUCTION Screensets is arguably one of the coolest features of Logic Pro X.…

  • How to explode individual drum parts to separate tracks for processing in Logic X

    In this article you will learn how to explode the individual drum parts from a region onto separate tracks in Logic X for individual processing. This article is mostly a transcription of the training video posted below. Let me explain why you would want to do this. Let’s say you just created a great drum…